All: Glorious Saint Joseph, first man to love Mary and hold Jesus in your arm accept these prayers we now offer to honour you and ask Almighty God’s blessing upon us. We pray that all the members of our families will be physically and spiritually protected through life, and guided to fulfill wisely and with love the vocations God has given us.
Bless our community; bless God’s family of faith in churches throughout the world; bless all the good works we do to be faithful followers of your foster-son Jesus. We pray especially that God will grant us the favour we now ask, or if it is his will, one that he knows is better for us…….
Leader I: Chaste lover of Mary, how overwhelmed you were, when you thought that you would have to end your betrothal to her. But when the angel of God came to you in a dream, you were fill with awe to realize that Mary would be your wife, and you would be the guardian of the messiah.
All: Help us St. Joseph, help our families and all our loved ones to overcome all sadness of heart and develop an absolute trust in God’s goodness.
Leader: Glory be to the father…….
All: As it was in the beginning…..
Leader II: Faithful guardian of Jesus, what a failure you thought you were, when you could only provide a stable for the birth of the holy child. And then what a wonder it was when the angel came to tell of angel choirs and wise men came to adore the king of kings
All: Through your example and prayers, help us St. Joseph and all we love to become like sinless mangers, where the saviour of the world may be received with absolute love and respect.
Leader: Glory be to the father…….
All: As it was in the beginning…….
Leader III: Tender-hearted Joseph, you too felt pain when the blood of Jesus was first shed at his circumcision. Yet how proud you were to be the one privileged to give the name Jesus, saviour, to the very son of God.
All: Pray for us St. Joseph, that the sacred blood of Christ, poured out for our salvation, may guard our families, so the divine name of Jesus may be written in our hearts forever.
Leader: Glory be to the father…….
All: As it was in the beginning…….
Leader IV: Joseph, loving husband, how bewildered you were when Simeon spoke the words of warning that the hearts of Jesus and Mary would be pierced with sorrows. Yet his prediction that this will lead to the salvation of innumerable souls filled you with consolation.
All: Help us St. Joseph, to see with eyes of faith that even the sorrows and pains of those we deeply love, can become the pathway to salvation and eternal life.
Leader: Glory be to the father…….
ALL: As it was in the beginning…….
Leader V: Courageous protector of the holy family, how terrified you were when you had to make the sudden flight with Jesus and Mary to escape the treachery of king Herod and the cruelty of his soldiers. But when you reached Egypt, what satisfaction you had to know that the saviour of the world had come to replace pagan idols.
All: Teach us by your example, St. Joseph, to keep far from false idols of earthly attractions, so that like you, we may be entirely devoted to the service of Jesus and Mary.
Leader: Glory be to the father…….
All: As it was in the beginning……
Leader VI: Ever-obedient Joseph, you trustingly returned to Nazareth at God’s command, in spite of your fear that King Herod’s son might still be a threat to Jesus’ life. Then what fatherly pride you had in seeing Jesus grow in wisdom and grace before God and men under your care.
All: Show us St. Joseph, how to be free from all useless fear and worry, so we may enjoy the peace of a tranquil conscience, living safely with Jesus and Mary in our hearts.
Leader: Glory be to the father…….
All: As it was in the beginning…….
Leader VII: Dependable father and husband, how frantic you and Mary were when, through no fault of yours, you searched for three days to find Jesus. What incredible relief was yours when you found him safe in the temple of God.
All: Help us St. Joseph, never to lose Jesus through the fault of our own sins. But if we should lose Him, lead us back with unwearied sorrow, until we find Him again; so that we, like you, may finally pass from this life, dying safely in the arms of Jesus and Mary.
Leader: Glory be to the father…….
All: As it was in the beginning……..
Pray for us, holy Joseph.
That we may be made worthy of the promises of Christ.
Let us pray.
Blessed St. Joseph, tender hearted father, faithful guardian of Jesus, chaste spouse of the mother of God, I pray and beseech you to offer to God the Father my praise to Him through his divine Son, who died on the cross and rose again to give us sinners new life. Through the holy name of Jesus, pray with us that we may obtain from the eternal Father, the favour we ask…. (pause)…. We have been unfaithful to the unfailing love of God the Father; beg of Jesus mercy for us. Amid the splendours of God’s loving presence, do not forget that sorrows of those who suffer those who pray, those who weep. By your prayer and those of your most holy spouse, our Blessed Lady, may the love of Jesus answer our call of confident hope. Amen. Glory be to the Father….
ALL: O glorious St. Joseph under the humble appearance of a work man, you have hidden your unique and royal dignity of guardian of Jesus and Mary, and by your toil have supported them, protect in your love and power the workers who are specially entrusted to you. You know their anxieties and sufferings, because you have undergone them yourself with Jesus and Mary at your side. Do not suffer that laden with the cares of the world, they forget the end for which they have been created by God; do not let the ends of mistrust get hold of their immortal souls. Recall to all workers in fields, factories, mines and laboratories that they are not isolated in their work, in their joys and in their trials, but that Jesus and Mary, his mother and ours, are standing beside them, to support them, to wipe their sweat and bless their fatigue. Teach them to change labour into a means of high sanctification as you did, Amen.
Leader: Glory be to the father…….
All: As it was in the beginning…….
All: O St. Joseph, we pray to you for those who are out of work, for those who want to earn their living and support their families. You who are patron of workers; grant that unemployment may vanish from our ranks, that all those who are ready to work may put their strength and abilities into serving their fellow men and earn a just salary.
You are the patron of families; do not let those who have children to support and raise lack the necessary means. Have pity on our brothers held down in unemployment and poverty because of sickness and social disorders. Help our political leaders and captains of industry find new and just solutions: may each and everyone have the joy of contributing, according to his abilities, to the common prosperity. Grant that we may all share together in the abundant good God has given us and that we may help the under privileged ones, Amen.
Leader: Glory be to the father…….
ALL: As it was in the beginning…….
The seed of the Oblates of St Joseph sown in Nigeria continues to grow. In search for vocations to the priesthood and brotherhood, the XII General Chapter responded to this need by establishing a mission in Nigeria in 1990 with few pioneer missionaries.
Come, Holy Spirit, fill the hearts of your faithful and enkindle in them the fire of your love Leader: send forth your spirit and they shall be created.
ALL: and you shall renew the face of the earth.
Let us pray
O God, who has taught the hearts of the faithful by the light of the Holy Spirit, grant that by the gift of the same spirit we may be truly wise and ever rejoice in his consolation; through Christ our lord. Amen.
The Creed: I believe I God the father almighty……(St. Joseph Rosary may be prayed just as Marian rosary, substituting the follow prayer for the “Hail Mary”)
Leader: Joseph, son of David and husband of Mary; we honour you, guardian of the redeemer, and we adore the child you named Jesus,
All: St. Joseph, patron of the universal church, pray with us that we may imitate you, in life long dedication to the interests of the saviour, Amen.
The Mysteries
1. Betrothal to Mary (Mt. 1-18)
2. Annunciation to Joseph (Mt. 1:19-21)
3. Birth and naming of Jesus (Mt. 1:22-25)
4. Flight into Egypt (Mt. 2:13-15)
5. Hidden life at Nazareth (Mt. 2:23; Lk. 2: 51-52)
O glorious St. Joseph, after the blessed Virgin, you were the first to hold in your arms the redeemer. Be our exemplar in our ministry, which like your own, is a ministry of intimate relationship with the Divine Word. May you teach us; may you assist us; may you make us worthy members of the holy family. Amen.
To you, O blessed Joseph, we come in our trials, and having asked the help of your most holy spouse, we confidently ask you patronage also. Through that sacred bond of charity which united you to the immaculate Virgin Mother of God and through the fatherly love with which you embraced the child Jesus, we humbly beg you to look graciously upon the beloved inheritance which Jesus Christ purchased by his blood, and to aid us in our necessities with your power and strength.
O most provident guardian of the holy family, defend the chosen children of Jesus Christ. Most beloved father, dispel the evil of falsehood and sin. Our most mighty protector, graciously assist us from heaven in our struggle with the powers of darkness. And just as you once saved the child Jesus from mortal danger, so now defend God’s holy Church from the snares of her enemies and from all adversity. Shield each one of us by your constant protection, so that, supported by your example and your help, we may be able to live virtuous life, to die a holy death, and to obtain eternal happiness in heaven. Amen.
O great St. Joseph, you are completely obedient to the call of the Holy Spirit. Obtain for me the grace to know and choose the unique vocation and mission God has designed for me. Pray that I may receive the light of truth to know God’s will, the grace to carry it out faithfully and the wisdom to make choices that help me be and do what God wants. I ask that you intercede before God on my behalf; that I may see and understand the path he holds open for me. Help me make choices which will be in response to God’s love for me and my potential, so that I may follow Jesus more closely. Amen
Leader: Glory be to the father…….
All: As it was in the beginning……..
Lord, have mercy | Lord, have mercy |
Christ, have mercy | Christ, have mercy |
Lord, have mercy | Lord, have mercy |
God our father in heaven | Have mercy on us |
God the son, Redeemer of the world | Have mercy on us |
God, the Holy Spirit | Have mercy on us |
Holy Trinity, one God | Have mercy on us |
Holy Mary, | Pray for us |
St. Joseph, | Pray for us |
Noble son of the house of David | Pray for us |
Light of patriarchs, | pray for us |
Husband of the Mother God | Pray for us |
Guardian of the Redeemer, | pray for us |
Guardian of the Virgin | Pray for us |
Father of the Son of God | pray for us |
Faithful guardian of Christ | Pray for us |
Servant of Christ, | pray for us. |
Minister of salvation, | pray for us |
Head of the holy family | pray for us |
Joseph, chaste and just | Pray for us |
Joseph, prudent and brave | Pray for us |
Joseph, obedient and loyal | Pray for us |
Pattern of patience | pray for us |
Lover of poverty, | Pray for us |
Model of workers | pray for us |
Example to parents | Pray for us |
Guardian of virgins | Pray for us |
Pillar of family life | pray for us |
Support in difficulties, | pray for us |
Comfort of the troubled | Pray for us |
Hope of the sick | Pray for us |
Patron of exiles, | pray for us. |
Patron of the afflicted, | pray for us. |
Patron of the poor, | pray for us |
Patron of the dying, | Pray for us |
error of evil spirits | Pray for us |
Protector of the Church | Pray for us |
Lamb of God, you take away the sins of the world Spare us, O lord
Lamb of God, you take away the sins of the world Have mercy on us
God made him master of his household. And put him in charge of all that he owned.
Let us pray; God, in your infinite wisdom and love, you chose Joseph to be the husband of Mary, the mother of your Son. May we have the help of his prayers in heaven and enjoy his protection on earth. We ask this through Christ our lord. Amen
Remember, O most pure spouse of the Blessed Virgin Mary, my great protector, Saint Joseph, that no one ever had recourse to your protection, or implored your aid without obtaining relief. Confiding therefore in your goodness, I come before you. Do not turn down my petitions, father of the Redeemer, but graciously receive them. Amen
PRAYER FOR THE SANCTIFICATION OF LABOUR: Glorious St. Joseph model of all workers, obtain for us the grace to work in the spirit of thanksgiving and joy. Let us consider it an honour to use and develop the gifts received from God. Aid us to work in order, peace, moderation and patience without ever avoiding weariness and trials; to work conscientiously preferring our duty to our inclinations; to work in spirit of penance for the expiation of our sins. Help us to work above all for the glory of God and not for any selfish reasons, and to keep before our eyes the account we must give of the time lost and work badly done. Watch over us and give us the strength to imitate you in order that we may obtain the reward of those who work for God. Amen.
PRAYER TO ST. JOSEPH (For workers and for our nation)
St. Joseph, we venerate you as the model of labourers, the friend of the poor, the consoler of the afflicted and those forced to leave their own land, the saint of divine providence. On earth you represented the universal goodness and concern of the heavenly father. You were the carpenter of Nazareth and work-teacher to the Son of God, who became a humble labourer for us. Assist with your prayers all who labour in intellectual, moral and material work. For the nations obtain legislation inspired by the Gospel, the spirit of Christian charity, a way of governing in accord with justice and peace. Amen.
OF THE CONGREGATION TO ST JOSEPH Glorious patriarch, Saint Joseph, whom the church invokes as her powerful intercessor, look with favour upon our congregation which renews its consecration to you and proclaims you as its father and protector. In the presence of God, of our Blessed Mother Mary, and of all the heavenly Court, we humbly offer to you not only ourselves, but also our congregation. Take possession of us, for we are yours. Guard and defend us as you protected the Holy Family of Nazareth.
In your care we place our superiors, our brothers and priests, our novices and seminarians. Purify their hearts, sanctify their affections, guide their minds, and make them worthy servants of the church, for whose triumph we are working, and will always work, with the zeal and devotion of obedient sons. Saint Joseph, bless our communities, bless all the members of the congregation. Grant the spirit of counsel to all our superiors, the spirit of zeal to our priests and brothers, the spirit of fortitude to our missionaries, the spirit of wisdom to our teachers, the spirit of piety and industry to our students.
Glorious Saint Joseph, our great protector, who held in your arms, the Son of God, protect and guide our religious society. Help it to grow in number and to spread everywhere your spirit of humility, prayer and sacrifice. You, who protected the infant Jesus, the saviour of humanity, guide through the rough times of life all the youths entrusted to our care. You faced the dangers of the desert and hardships of exile and you travelled under the strain of numberless privations. Come to our aid in the hour of our need and sustain us in time of trials. Saint Joseph, you willingly participated in the mystery of the salvation of mankind. Fill our hearts with the same desire to listen and respond to the Lord’s will for us; help us to love others as you loved the holy family, so that we may receive blessings of eternal life, Amen.
Great St. Joseph, you guided our Lord, Jesus Christ from his childhood and he called you father. Be a father to me, since Jesus has made me his brother. You worked for him, you taught him to work, teach me too. You kept Him safe in the flight into Egypt; keep me safe in my journey through life. Let me never turn aside from the right road of the love of our Lord, and of faith and hope in Him. May I, as you did, have Jesus and Mary at my deathbed; and as you are, may I be united with them forever in heaven, Amen.
PRAYER TO ST. JOSEPH FOR PURITY O St. Joseph, guardian and father of virgins, to whose faithful custody Christ Jesus, innocence itself, and Mary, virgin of virgins were entrusted: I pray and beseech you, by each of these most dear pledges, Jesus and Mary, that, being preserved from all uncleanness, I may with spotless mind, pure heart, and chaste body, serve Jesus and Mary most chastely all the days of my life, Amen.
Dear Saint Joseph, you took the place of the heavenly father in respect to Jesus Christ, the Son of God became human. You were a model father to Jesus and loved Him as your own Son. Help me to be worthy of the name father, which belongs to the Father from all eternity and which He has been pleased to confer on me. May I always be for my children a source of life – corporal, intellectual, and spiritual. Enable me to contribute in great part to their physical growth by my work, to their mental and spiritual growth by good schooling, and to their supernatural life by my prayer and example, so that they may become complete human beings and true children of their heavenly father.
Let me be ever conscious that my actions are far more important than my words. May I give them good example in all the situations of life. May I wear my successes modestly, and my failure courageously. May I be temperate in time of joy and steadfast in time of sorrow. May I remain humble after doing good and contrite after doing evil.
May I emulate our heavenly father, and scrupulously respect my children’s right as human persons and their freedom to follow a rightly formed conscience, while at same time fulfilling my duty to guide them in the way given us by your son Jesus Christ, to whom you were a most loving father all the days of your life. May I obtain the grace to be a similar father for my children, Amen.
THANKSGIVING PRAYER FOR A NEWBORN CHILD O Saint Joseph, you witnessed the miracle of birth, seeing the infant Jesus born of your most holy spouse, the Virgin Mary. With wonder and awe, you took into your arms the Saviour. With gratitude that only a parent can know, you glorified God for the birth of his Son, entrusted to your fatherly care. Like you, St. Joseph, I too give praise and glory to God for the birth of my child. This child’s life is such a miraculous testimony of God’s loving presence. My heart is filled with grateful joy. Join me dear St. Joseph, in offering thanks to God for the gift of my child. What great trust and confidence God placed in you, St. Joseph, by entrusting his only Son into your fatherly care. This inspires me to entrust the spiritual care and protection of my newborn child into your competent and loving hands. Teach, guide, and support me to fulfill well my awesome vocation to be a worthy parent to this child. Amen.
PRAYER TO ST. JOSEPH FOR SPOUSES Dear St. Joseph, humble and just husband of Mary, grant us your powerful intercession that especially husbands and wives may be faithful to their sacred vows. Inspire them with the desire to be not just, but also charitable toward each other. In imitation of your behaviour, may we always endeavour to do God’s will. Let us realize the great responsibility that is ours with respect to our partners, especially in what concerns our growth in holiness as willed by God. When we have children, let us realize that there is no greater good for us upon the earth and to do our best in raising our children as children of God, destined to live in perfect happiness with God for all eternity. May we follow your example and that of Mary, your spouse, and above all the example of the one who lived so long with you and was the son of God made man, Amen.
PRAYER TO ST. JOSEPH FOR VOCATIONS St. Joseph, patron of the church, we ask you to intercede before God so that in our days as always in the church, many young people may be attracted to the service of souls and to the ideal of evangelical perfection. Among Christian nations, the faithful desire to better understand and practice the virtues preached by Christ, and among non-Christian peoples may a great number of men and women of good will hear the call of faith and want to receive the message of peace. Please pray on our behalf that the Lord of the harvest will send workers into his vineyard. Obtain for us many good priestly and religious vocations that respond to the immense needs of the world today and that are fully dedicated to the service of the Lord and his church, Amen.
PRAYER FOR A HAPPY DEATH O blessed St. Joseph, you gave forth your last breath in the loving embrace of Jesus and Mary. When the seal of death shall close my life, come with Jesus and Mary to aid me. Obtain for me the solace for the hour: to die with their holy arms around me. Jesus, Mary and Joseph, I commend my soul into your sacred arms, Amen.
Opening prayer to St. Joseph for faith: Blessed St. Joseph, heir of all the patriarchs, obtain for me this beautiful and precious virtue. Give me a lively faith which is the foundation of all holiness, that faith without which no one can be pleasing to God. Obtain for me a faith that triumphs over all the temptations of the world and conquers human respect; a faith that cannot be shaken and that seeks God alone. In imitation of you, make me live by faith and submit my mind and heart to God, so that one day I may behold in heaven what I now firmly believe on earth, Amen.
DAY 1: The Annunciation to the Betrothed just Man
1st Reading: Matthew 1: 18-21
2nd Reading: John Paul II, Redemptoris Custos, Sections 2-3
One or more Decades of St Joseph Rosary
(Prayed as Marian rosary, substituting “Hail Mary” with “Joseph, Son of David”):
Joseph, son of David and husband of Mary; we honour you, guardian of the redeemer, and we adore the child you named Jesus,
St. Joseph, patron of the universal church, pray with us that we may imitate you, in life long dedications to the interests of the saviour, Amen.
DAY 2: Joseph Takes Mary his Wife
1st Reading: Matthew 1: 24
2nd Reading: John Paul II, Redemptoris custos, Section 20
One or more decades of the St. Joseph rosary/ homily
DAY 3: The Birth and Naming of Jesus, Son of David
1st Reading: Matthew 1: 16, 25
2nd Reading: John Paul II, Redemptoris custos, Sections 10,12
One or more decades of the St. Joseph rosary/ homily
DAY 4: The presentation of Jesus, according to the Law of the Lord
1st Reading: Luke 2: 22-40
2nd Reading: john Paul II, Redemptoris custos, Section 13
One or more decades of the St. Joseph rosary/ homily
DAY 5: The Flight into Egypt
1st Reading: Matthew 2: 13-15
2nd Reading: John Paul II, Redemptoris custos, Section 14
One or more decades of the St. Joseph rosary/ homily
DAY 6: The Finding in the Temple and the Fatherhood of Joseph
1st Reading: Luke 2: 41-52
2nd Reading: John Paul II, Redemptoris custos, Section 8
One or more decades of the St. Joseph rosary/ homily
DAY 7: Joseph the Worker
1st Reading: Matthew 13: 53- 55a
2nd Reading: John Paul II, Redemptoris custos, Sections 22, 24
One or more decades of the St. Joseph rosary/ homily
DAY 8: Patron of the Hidden and Interior Life
1st Reading: Colossians 3: 1-4
2nd Reading: John Paul II, Redemptoris custos, Section 25- 27d
One or more decades of the St. Joseph rosary/ homily
DAY 9: Patron and Model of the Church
1st Reading: Corinthians 12: 12, 27
2nd Reading: John Paul II, Redemptoris custos, Sections 28, 30
One or more decades of the St. Joseph rosary/ homily
Blessed St. Joseph, tender hearted father, faithful guardian of Jesus, chaste spouse of the mother of God, I pray and beseech you to offer to God the Father, my praise to Him through his divine son, who died on the cross and rose again to give us sinners new life. Through the holy name of Jesus, pray with us that we may obtain from the eternal father, the favour we ask…... (Pause)…. We have been unfaithful to the unfailing love of God the father; beg of Jesus mercy for us. Amid the splendours of God’s loving presence, do not forget the sorrows of those who suffer, those who pray, those who weep. By your prayers and those of your most Holy Spouse, our Blessed Lady, may the love of Jesus answer our call of confident hope, Amen.
Ever blessed and glorious Joseph, kind and loving father, and helpful friend of all in sorrow! You are the good father and protector of orphans. The defender of the defenseless, the patron of those in need. Look kindly on my request. My sins have drawn down on me the just displeasure of my God, and so I am surrounded with unhappiness. To you loving guardian of the family of Nazareth, do I go for help and protection. Listen, then I beg of you, with fatherly concern, to my earnest prayers, and obtain for me the favour I ask. I ask by the infinite mercy of the eternal Son of God, which moved to take our nature and to be born into this world of sorrow. I ask by the weariness and suffering you endured when you found no shelter at the inn of Bethlehem for the holy Virgin, nor a house where the Son of God could be born. Then, being everywhere refused, you had to allow the Queen of Heaven to give birth to the world’s redeemer in a cave. I ask by that painful torture you felt at the prophecy of holy Simeon, which declared the child Jesus and His mother, future victims of our sins and of their great love for us.
I ask through your sorrow and pain of soul when the angel declared to you that the life of the child Jesus was sought by his enemies. From their evil plan you had to flee with Him and His Blessed Mother to Egypt. I ask it by all the suffering, weariness, and labours of that long and dangerous journey. I ask it by all your care to protect the sacred child and His Immaculate Mother during your second journey, when you were ordered to return to your peaceful life in Nazareth where you met with so many joys and sorrows.
I ask by your great distress when the adorable child was lost to you and His Mother for three days. I ask it by your joy at finding Him in the temple, and by the comfort you found at Nazareth, while living in the company of the child Jesus. I ask it by the wonderful submission He showed in His obedience to you.
I ask by the perfect love and conformity you showed in accepting the divine order to depart from this life, and from the company of Jesus and Mary. I ask by the joy which filled your soul, when the redeemer of the world; triumphant over death and hell, entered into the possession of His kingdom and led you in to it with special honours.
I ask through Mary’s glorious assumption, and through that endless happiness you have with her in the presence of God.
Obtain for all those who have asked for prayers everything that is useful to them in plain of God. Finally, my dear patron and father be with me and all who are dear to me in our last moments, that we may eternally sing the praises of JESUS, MARY AND JOSEPH! AMEN.